Skilled Paving Contractors in Amarillo, TX

How Fuller & Sons Construction Began

It all started in 1926 with L.A. Fuller working for different railroad building crews in the Amarillo area. At the age of 19, L.A. gained infrastructure experience from working with dirt-moving companies. In the 1940s, he decided to open his own company and settle down in Amarillo. L.A. started Fuller & Sons Construction out of his home as a small dirt moving business.

The early years consisted of moving dirt on small projects, such as terraces, dams, retention ponds, and for the most part, all by himself.

Fast forward 75 years, L. A. Fuller & Sons Construction employs one hundred people and are capable
of rebuilding a small parking lot or working on a major highway. Today, our expertise extends to water, sewer, storm drainage systems, and more. We offer developer turnkey services on properties by providing all the dirt work, base and paving, curb and gutters, sidewalks, utilities and grading house pads to proper elevation.

We have expanded our clientele and services in order to make a bigger difference in the community.

Community Involvement

Meet Our Trusted Team

When L.A. Fuller first started his small dirt moving business in the 1940s, he did not envision how the company would look seventy years down the road. In our third generation of family leadership, Fuller & Sons Construction still adheres to the AGC code’s principles: Skill, Integrity, and Responsibility. Customers have trusted our team to complete projects, which has allowed us to expand and grow our company.

Our office staff consists of a skillful and experienced team including estimators, quality control specialists, and more.

Josh Fuller, CEO.

Josh Fuller – CEO of Fuller & Sons

Jonas Fuller, COO.

Jonas Fuller – COO Of Fuller & Sons

Jared Fuller, HR Director.

Jared Fuller – HR Director of Fuller & Sons

To learn more about what we can do for you, please contact us at 806-373-6049 today!

Paving in Amarillo, TX | Fuller & Sons Construction

Fuller & Sons Construction
9401 Amarillo Blvd. East
Amarillo, TX 79108

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 31477
Amarillo, TX 79120

Contact Us